Browse Lawyers

Name Firm City
Jonathan M. Abels L/O Jonathan M. Abels, Esq. West Hartford, CT
Robert B. Adelman Adelman Connors & Krevolin, LLP
Salvatore C. Agati Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey, LLP
Justin Ahern Lynch Traub Keefe & Errante, PC
Dan Aiello Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC
Christina L. Albano L/O Bruce J. Corrigan, Jr. Westport, CT
Michael Albaugh The Flood Law Firm, LLC
Skylar Albertson Koskoff, Koskoff and Bieder, PC
AnnMarie Alexander Tarpey & Alexander, LLC Somers, CT
Charles T. Alfano, Jr. Alfano & Flynn, LLC Suffield, CT
Daniel Algilani The Algilani Law Firm LLC
Marco A. Allocca Silver Golub & Teitell LLP Stamford, CT
Brian Altieri Balzano & Tropiano, P.C. New Haven, CT
Daren R. Altieri The Flood Law Firm, LLC
Maria R. Altieri L/O Maria R. Altieri
Jennifer Amdur Berkowitz Hanna LLC
Christopher P. Anderson Anderson Trial Lawyers
Michael L. Anderson Anderson Trial Lawyers Norwich, CT
Kimberly Andrade Hirsch Andrade, LLP
John M. Andreini L/O John M. Andreini Hartford, CT
Louis A. Annecchino Kennedy, Johnson, Schwab & Roberge, LLC
Colin Antaya Koskoff, Koskoff and Bieder, PC
Keith Anthony The Law Offices of Keith Anthony, LLC Groton, CT
Raymond Antonacci Law Office of Raymond Antonacci LLC Waterbury, CT
Christine Antonellis Norton D'Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC
Mark E. Anziano Anziano & Bertucio
Harris Appelman Butler Norris & Gold
Peter M. Appleton Appleton & Appleton, LLC Hartford, CT
Charles Martin Arnold Lerner Arnold & Winston LLP
Mark D. Arons Miller Rosnick D'Amico August & Butler, PC Bridgeport, CT
David Arron Law Offices of David Arron Inc.
Amity L. Arscott Embry Neusner & Arscott, LLC Groton, CT
James F. Aspell Law Offices of James F. Aspell, P.C.
Jon A. August Miller Rosnick D'Amico August & Butler, PC
Hon. Julia L. Aurigemma (ret) The Flood Law Firm, LLC
Jessica E. Ayala Carter Mario Law Firm
Nate Baber Aeton Law Partners
Pamela S. Bacharach Bacharach Law Firm, LLC
Peter Baez Ventura Law Danbury, CT
Frank A. Bailey Tremont Sheldon PC
Jonathan Bak The Flood Law Firm, LLC
James T. Baldwin Coles Baldwin, Kaiser & Creager, LLC Fairfield, CT
David A. Ball Cohen and Wolf, P.C. Bridgeport, CT
Alphonse J. Balzano, Jr. Balzano & Tropiano, P.C. New Haven, CT
Amara T. Barbiero Balzano & Tropiano, P.C.
Tyler M. Barhorst The Carrano Law Firm, LLC
Joseph M. Barnes The Reardon Law Firm, PC
Mark Barnett Law office of Mark Barnett Mansfield, MA
Rachel F. Barone The Flood Law Firm, LLC
Fernando Barragan Dressler Strickland LLC