What's New

Monday, December 9, 2024

6th Annual Kennedy Walsh Lollapalooza

It was a jam packed, amazing day at CTLA's 6th Annual Kennedy Walsh Lollapalooza!

Between the opening panel at the plenary session, followed by over a dozen presenters speaking on a wide range of topics, and the keynote luncheon with speaker, Honorable Richard Robinson (ret.), there was something for everyone.

Thank you to our friends at the beautiful Heritage Hotel in Southbury, CT for hosting us. We hope you enjoyed the day, and we can't wait to see you next year!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

CTLA congratulates President Alinor Sterling and the 2024-2025 Officers

L-R: Vice President Cindy Robinson, Parliamentarian Karolina Dowd, Immediate Past President Marisa Bellair, President Alinor Sterling, President Elect Peter Dreyer, Treasurer Patrick Kennedy and Secretary Brian Flood

Upcoming Seminars & Events


CLE Seminar: Santos Dow Annual Criminal Case Review
Grassy Hill Country Club, Orange, CT

Chairs: Trent LaLima; Allison Near


CLE Seminar: Annual Legal Support Staff
Grassy Hill Country Club, Orange, CT

Chair: Leslie G. McPadden

CT Credits: 4 Skills
NY Credits: 4.5 Skills


CLE Webinar: Retirement: Pros & Cons; Legal Issues
Zoom Meeting, Hartford, CT

Chair: Richard A. Silver


CTLA Members


About CTLA

Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association is a non-profit professional association dedicated to creating and maintaining a more just society by preserving individual rights within the justice system.

We are a fellowship of over 1,300 of Connecticut's most accomplished and active lawyers who are interested in protecting plaintiffs' rights and becoming better trial lawyers. CTLA provides its members with high-quality CLE programs, ongoing Community Outreach Projects and a variety of networking opportunities.

Become a Member

CTLA has a long history of sharing expertise within our community – it's one of the greatest benefits of your membership. Our resources include case strategy and analysis, online list servers, a mentoring program, a discussion board, and more.