University of Massachusetts, B.A., summa cum laude, 1975. Member Phi Betta Kappa
Hofstra University, J.D., 1978.
1978, Connecticut and U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut; 1985, New York; 1987, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court
Listed in "The Best Lawyers in America." Certified as a Civil Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (State Delegate, 1999 -; Member, Professional Negligence Section; Motor Vehicle Collision, Highway, and Premises Liability Section; Traumatic Brain Injury Group (Executive Committee and Former Chairperson); Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association(Exec. Committee, 1990—2011; Medical Malpractice Committee, 1996—; President, 1996-1997).
In 2015, inducted into the "Connecticut Law Tribune Personal Injury Hall of Fame" for each of two separate cases tried to jury verdict in 2014. In August 2015, selected by Best Lawyers® as the "Lawyer of the Year for Plaintiff's Personal Injury - Stamford for 2016. Nationally recognized for work on traumatic brain injury and concussion cases. Representative lectures: Cross-Examination of the Defense Neurologist, North American Brain Injury Society, 2020; Make the Defense Talk About the Science, North American Brain Injury Society, 2020; Litigating Concussion Cases: Science vs. Money, Michigan Association for Justice, 2019; Misclassification of Traumatic Brain Injury, The Pendulum is Swinging Back, North American Brain Injury Society, 2019 Mining the Traumatic Brain Injury Literature, American Association for Justice, 2019; How to Tap into the Literature Goldmine and Use It to Defeat Defense Experts, Legal Latitudes, Nashville, TN 2018; Broken Connections & Brain Networks, North American Brain Injury Society, 2018; The Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury: The Biomechanics of Trauma & The Changes that Follow, American Association for Justice, 2017; Admissibility of Low Impact Photographs and Neuropsychological Tests, American Association for Justice, 2017; Unpacking the Malingering Defense, North American Brain Injury Society, 2017; Neurometabolic Cascade: Understanding the Emerging Trend, American Association for Justice, 2016; The Progressive Injury Cascade of Traumatic Brain Injury, North American Brain Injury Society, 2016; Proving Traumatic Brain Injury with Demonstrative Evidence, North American Brain Injury Society, 2015; Anatomy of Evidentiary Issues: Severe TBI, Complex Fractures & PTSD, College of Evidence, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, 2014; Strategies for Diffusion Tensor Imaging & Volumetric Analysis in Pediatric TBI Litigation, American Association for Justice, 2014; Demystifying the Myths of Traumatic Brain Injury, North American Brain Injury Society, 2014; What You Don’t Know About Brain Injury Experts Can Hurt, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, 2013. Publications have included: “Standing Up to Standard Authority”, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association Forum, Spring 2019; “Identifying Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Recent Advances in Neuroimaging and Relation to Functional Impairments”, Brain Injury Professional, Vol.14 issue 2 (2017); Editor-in-Chief, “Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group Newsletter”, American Association for Justice, 2005 – 2010. One senior Connecticut defense lawyer wrote: "I regard Stewart as the premier head trauma lawyer in Connecticut and if there is anyone who can bring this case to a successful resolution it is he. His website is"