Success at Mediation: Featuring Judges Barbara Bellis, Antonio Robaina & Terence Zemetis

Friday, April 8, 2011

Product Online Media Price Member Price
Streaming Audio 3 hr, 22 min $95.00 $55.00
Streaming Video 3 hr, 23 min $150.00 $100.00
Log in to your account to access any purchased materials with online media.

Purchase Materials

There will be a networking breakfast from 8:30 - 9:30 am.

The Ten Commandments of Mediation
Mary Ann Connors, Esq., Adelman, Hirsch & Newman, LLP, Bridgeport

  • Tips for Successful Mediation
  • What to Do to Prepare for Mediation
  • Mediation Strategies and Tactics

Controlling the Dynamics of Mediation
Cindy L. Robinson, Esq., Tremont & Sheldon, PC, Bridgeport
Angelo A. Ziotas, Esq., Silver Golub & Teitell LLP, Stamford

  • Considerations in Picking the Right Mediator for Your Case
  • Timing the Mediation
  • Knowing All the Players
  • What Information to Provide to the Other Side and Mediator
  • How to Respond and How Not to Respond to the Mediator's Questions
  • When to Postpone the Mediation Process and/or Walk Away

How to Ask for Money: From a Woman's Perspective
Julie Kane, Esq., Colson Hicks Eidson, Coral Gables, Florida

  • Use of the Unique Assets a Woman Lawyer Holds in Asking for and Insisting on Fair Compensation for the Client
  • Justification of the Amount Asked For
  • Negotiation Tactics
  • Tactics for Closing the Deal

How to Ask for Money: From a Man’s Perspective
Angelo A. Ziotas, Esq., Silver Golub & Teitell LLP, Stamford

The Mediator’s Perspective:
The Honorable Barbara N. Bellis, Superior Court, Bridgeport
The Honorable Antonio C. Robaina, Superior Court, Hartford
The Honorable Terence A. Zemetis, Superior Court, New Haven


Hon. Barbara N. Bellis J.D. & G.A. 22 Courthouse
Mary Ann Connors, Esq. Adelman Connors & Krevolin, LLP
Julie Kane, Esq. Colson Hicks Eidson
Hon. Antonio C. Robaina (ret), Esq. McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter
Cindy L. Robinson, Esq. Robinson Mahoney PLLC
Hon. Terence Zemetis (ret.), Esq. Terence A. Zemetis, P.C.
Angelo A. Ziotas, Esq. Silver Golub & Teitell LLP

CLE Credits

This Continuing Legal Education program is appropriate for both newly-admitted and experienced attorneys, and has been approved for the following credits in accordance with the rule requirements of these states:

Connecticut 4.00 cr



441 Clark Ln., Orange CT 06477

Additional Information

This program is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys and has beenapproved in accordance with the requirements of the New York Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 4 credit hours, of which 4 credit hours can be applied towards the Skills requirement.

The Civil Justice Foundation offers adjusted seminar registration fees for members who require financial assistance. Discounts will be granted at the discretion of the CLE Director. Please contact CLE Director Diana Roe for a confidential discussion.

Hard copies of the materials will not be provided at the program. Registrants will be able to access the materials via  web link prior to the seminar, allowing you to print the materials (double-sided, please)  in advance of the program.  We encourage attendees to go green by either downloading the materials on your laptop or using the CD-ROM which will be provided at the program.

Refunds will not be granted for cancellations received after the link to the materials has been sent.