TeleSeminar: Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007
Friday, June 19, 2009
A new Medicare law could make
it more difficult for plaintiffs and defendants to settle single event and mass
tort personal injury claims on or after July 1, 2009. Now more than ever, practitioners
must embrace new procedures on the front end of cases to minimize disruption on
the back end.
- Settlement Reporting Requirements for Defendants
- CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) Guidance
- Debunking the Myth: MMSEA does not mean MSA
- Changes to Implement in Your Practice
Matt Garretson’s “form-of-settlement” client counseling model (re: impact of settlement on government benefits, liens / subrogation, structured settlements and the taxation of damages) has received national recognition and is designed to protect clients as well as help lawyers avoid “failure to inform” professional liability claims. Matt serves as the special master and / or administrator of settlement funds throughout the country. Matt is the author of a legal text book (Thomson West Publishing) entitled “Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases” that addresses complex settlement-related issues.
CLE Credits
This Continuing Legal Education program is appropriate for both newly-admitted and experienced attorneys, and has been approved for the following credits in accordance with the rule requirements of these states:
Skills | |
Connecticut | 2.00 cr |